Sunday, June 30, 2013

1/30 - 20 random facts

My first of many lists! Here are 20 randomly awesome facts about me:

1. I got my name from my older sister's childhood imaginary friend

2. I have four tattoos

3. I have worked at 10+ places since I was 16

4. I have my CDL and drive a school bus (I guess that's two facts?)

5. I act like I don't care about celebrity gossip, but check Perez Hilton on the regular

6. My toenails are painted neon barbie pink 24/7

7. I am awful at math. It is something I openly admit, but am extremely embarrassed about.

8. If I hear a new song I like, I listen to it on repeat until I'm sick of it. I have no idea why.

9. I don't really have a favorite color

10. I still love the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (I even have an action figure on my desk at work!)
My birthday cake from this year - Thanks, Mom!
11. I am a hopeless romantic

12. I can't stand spaghetti. I don''t care if your Mom or Grandma's recipe is the best on the planet - I refuse to try it. Sorry I'm not sorry.

13. I love to make people laugh

14. I can talk to groups of kids or a small group of friends all day every day, but put me in front of a large group of peers/adults and I turn into an awkward, stammering idiot.

15. Once upon a time, I was a Hooters girl (No judgement, please!)

16. Before my family moved to North Carolina, we lived in Smithfield, Virginia (It's the ham capitol of the world). Seriously - you can Google it.

17. If I am bringing food to a potluck event, I get weirdly competitive. My dish has to be a best dish there.

18. I'm scared of heights, but I love riding roller coasters... Front row, please and thank you!
(Photo courtesy of Nuts about Southwest)
19. I love cheese. Doesn't matter what kind it is or what it is on/in - I am an equal opportunity cheese enthusiast.

20. My parents and my sister are three of my closest friends and I'm proud to say that.

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