Sunday, November 24, 2013

10 reasons why fall and winter don't completely suck

So anyone who knows me, knows that I love summer.
The beach, cookouts, awesome beach hair, tans, flip flops, sundresses.

It snowed before Thanksgiving. NOT OK.

I can't help but be sad when the weather gets cold, but at the same time I kind of love it.
Why you ask?

1. Leggings. If you're one of those people who are like "But Jenny, leggings aren't pants!" then stop reading.
Go away and never come back.

2. Cozy sweaters and cardigans. LOVE. LOVE. LOVE.

3. Cozy socks. Short ones, fluffy ones, long ones. I'm normally anti-footwear, but there is something awesome about a comfy ass pair of socks.

Put the two together and I'll never get out of bed.

4. Boots. I'm fairly certain every girl on the planet will agree with me on this so I don't need to explain myself.

5. Scarves. Even though I feel like they look ridiculous when I wear them with my hair down, I'm obsessed.
Scarf, leggings, boots, cozy socks - it's a conglomerate of comfy!
6. Movember. Now some girls may not like the idea of their guy not shaving for a month because it's all itchy and rough when you kiss them. Personally, I love a guy with some facial hair. Also, no shave November parties are a blast.
Girls can rock the walrus, too!

8. Football. Pirates, Cowboys, beer. Yes, please!

9. Howl-O-Scream. I am a roller coaster, Halloween, food and beer enthusiast so there is really no reason why I wouldn't love Howl-O-Scream. Despite my still-bum knee, Justin and I made the trip to Busch Gardens for a day of pure awesomeness. It rained pretty much the entire day but that didn't stop us from riding roller coasters non-stop, stuffing our faces, watching an old lady on a motorized wheelchair get arrested for shoplifting and getting the crap scared out of us.
Well..... I got the crap scared out of me and Justin laughed.

10. My electric blanket. Justin (AKA the greatest boyfriend in the history of boyfriends) gave me an electric blanket as one of my Christmas gifts last year. You may be thinking to yourself "Wow. That is an extraordinarily un-romantic gift." You obviously don't know me. I work in public education so the idea of turning the heat on it my house is a joke. Therefore the electric blanket is the second greatest gift I have ever received, second only to my life (thanks, Mom) 

What are some of your fall favorites?
Hokay, it's time for me to call it a night.
 It's a short week at work and I can't wait to get the ball rolling!


You look familiar... Do I know you?

Oh. Hey blog... haven't seen you in awhile.
I'm just gonna move on now and pretend like I'm not someone who neglects her blog for months on end. 

Needless to say, life has been just a wee bit busy the past few months. Started a new job, new classes and all the fun things that go along with this time of year. So lemme just get down to business and give you a recap on life:

Summer ended and that sucked.
I transferred schools over the summer and am now working at a new elementary school as the library assistant. Can I just take a minute to talk about how awesome working in a library is? I get to see all the kidlets, help them pick out awesome books, it's fairly quiet and the librarian I work with is supah awesome and hilarious. Every now and then I really miss the people and kiddos at BDQ but I know I made the right move.

October rolled around and that means Halloween parties! I am a huge fan of dressing up for Halloween and I normally plan out something way in advance, but it snuck up on me this year. I ended up throwing together two outfits at the last minute, but I loved both.
Justin was out of town for the first party so I had to think of a costume that could fly solo : ( I ended up putting together a cheap, easy and very funny costume. Best part? It was a little sexy but loose so I could eat all the snacks I wanted. Priorities, right?

Costume #1: walk of shame

Our next party was at Marianna's and Justin had the brilliant idea to be the Brawny man. At the last minute I thought it would be cute to tie into that and be a housewife.

Costume #2: Brawny man and his housewife

One of the perks of working at an elementary school? You get to dress up at work too!


I also going to blame quite a bit of my absence on finally realizing that Breaking Bad is the greatest show of all time. Was I living under a rock all these years? I mean, really.
Anyways, Justin and the rest of the human race kept talking about the series finale so I figured I would fire up Netflix and give it a shot. Ughh. There were a few Sundays were I literally only got out of bed to pee. It was borderline pathetic.
Also, were has Aaron Paul been my whole life? Hellloooo new celebrity crush.
What I didn't know was that the last half of the finale season ISN'T ON NETFLIX YET. I refuse to buy the last episodes but I'm seriously freaking out.

Side note: I just realized I talked about another Netflix obsession last time I blogged. Oh lawd.


Well I'm gonna let myself slip into the Pinterest blackhole for a bit... Maybe I'll be an overachiever and post some more lata.
